
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Claire Shoots a Commercial......

Well, we were suprised beyond belief about a month ago when we were approached by the LPGA to do a #Drive On PSA/Commercial featuring Claire.  Typically the LPGA only does the #Drive On for the pros. but her essay from earlier this year and the Lydia Ko shoe thing garnered some attention.  Apparantly they loved Claire's story and asked if she could be in one for LPGA Girls' Golf!  Claire said she'd be fine sharing her story, and so today the LPGA Send down a crew of 3 (decreased size due to the pandemic) and they shot the entire thing in one day...voiceover and all.  Claire was not too shy and really had fun with it.  The commercial will air during the month of October on the Golf Channel during LPGA events and we are tickled for Claire.   Can't wait to see how it turned out!  And God blessed us with the most beautiful 73 and sunny degree day today!  

Our local golf course, Quail Ridge, was thrilled to host the LPGA employees and Claire today and we had our run of the course!  They used drones at the end and Claire was tickled about that....we just were sad sweet Jesse couldn't be there for that!

Drone got a little close to my hair at times for my comfort.....

Claire and the sweet crew!  Drive on Claire!!


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