
Thursday, May 09, 2024

What a week......

Probably the busiest week of my entire life, but we survived!!!  Claire is about to graduate...we had family in town for a very sad reason.  My dad's baby brother passed away suddenly.  All while all these senior events were going on....and Jesse's movers came to get all his stuff...just to find the house he was about to move in had mold!!!

He found a new place, which is turning out to be a blessing, and he is getting settled and all items were accounted for when they arrived in Birmingham, Michigan!

Claire gets something in the mail every day for graduation...and is loving it all! 

I officially retired from SBA Home & School from 3 years of either being president or co-president...the new board sent me these lovly flowers and it just hit the spot! This arks my 13th year being inviolde with either the SBA or SFA Home & School...ready for my next chapter!

Claire turned 18 during all the funeral stuff, so she registered to vote and got  mani-pedi with her Aunt Cathie from Florida!

She cackled the entire time that lady was touching her was a hoot! She literally coverered her face with a towel!

Jesse's stuff ready for it's new home in Birmingham, MI

Making fun things for Claire and her roomate for their dorm!
Claire's golf pic ont he SBA sports hallway.

Claire's favorite Theology teacher, Mr Roberts and his wife came to watch her play in town last weekend.  Claire played well and placed 3rd out of a full group of 20!  Her last in town tournament for months and months!  On to other cities!

Claire's Aunt and Uncle from Florida were in town for the funeral and had a blast walking and follwing little bit!

Lots coming up soon!!!!


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