
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy July!

Well, July has been a blast so far with lots of fun events going on in the Hollingsworth Home! We had or 2nd Annual Sto/Ho Firesworks Extravaganza at our home with our good friends.....I must say, the fireworks were much better this year!! Great company made for a super fun evening!
The kids bleached out all the shells they found on the beach and arranged them all in a vase that now is our table centerpiece!

Jesse & I went to our 1st horse show. Jesse's good friend and neighbor participated and did a great job!!! Good work Nina!

Last night we went to a redbirds game that was followed by a great fireworks display! We brought along Keri, Patrick, and Mr. Hollingsworth. Great time ad yummy treats were had by all!!

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