
Sunday, June 22, 2008

A few more beach pics.....

In my hurry to blog last night, I failed to include some pictures of Mary Grace, who came down to our condo Friday for a day at the beach with us, along with her mom and dad, Leigh Ann and John. I told John I would have many incriminating photos of him on the blog, but he was well behaved so I have no incrimenating photos to offer!!

As many of you know, Mary Grace and Claire were in the same orphanage together in China. She particularly enjoyed playing in the sand with Jesse, who is smitten with her. The girls were exausted by the end of the of the day and we hope to see them all very soon!
All the other cousins were just as taken with Mary Grace as hey were with Claire!
Mary Grace had a full crowd at her attention, offering snacks and buddies to play in the sand with!

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